Friday, July 4, 2014

And then there is Broadway...Our best hope for a walkable urban streetscape!

So much potential.  There are some really great locally owned businesses on Broadway, many of which have signed on to our project (Thank you Sterling Cleaners, L'Amour Shoppe and Pancho's Cucina & Grill so far!).  But in the Curtis Park section of Broadway?  One big DMV parking lot (which is slated for future development) and Subway, Carl's Jr, Der Wienerschnitzel, McDonalds and Taco Bell, all within 2 blocks.  We are aware that the owners of the McDonalds in particular have invested a LOT in the remodeling of their store - that is to be commended.  And thank you also to ULI for working with the Greater Broadway Partnership on a very interesting 2012 Vision Plan for the corridor.  The report calls out the need for "Creating a unique character and urban form along the Broadway Corridor" and for development that "Reinforces the existing "funky, off beat vibe" of the neighborhood.   More of the same is just not going to get us there.  How many more of these obesity-inducing character killers do we need?

Broadway needs to turn a corner.  It's our neighborhood's best hope for interesting small businesses, shops and restaurants that we can walk or bike to.   So we need to get serious about protecting it from mediocrity and homogeneity.

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